Unbound & Free

Unbound & Free is passionate about creating products that are clean and healthy for your body and mind. A few years ago our founder, Sara was at a very sick point in her life with an auto immune disease called PCOS. On her journey to health she discovered that the quality of her food and products she kept in her home were the biggest part of the problem. Keeping her in a constant state of sickness. Things like fragrance (number one ingredient that companies hide shit in), phthalates, parabens, micro plastics, and so many harmful chemicals are in the products we eat, ingest and put on our body. Learning how important it is to eat and use Organic & Clean products changed her life! Unbound & Free will always be a company that lives up to these standards and hopefully can help others too!

Our mission: to help you Unleash your Wild Woman and let her lead you to freedom! Step into your power and live the life of your dreams! How? By replacing items in your home with clean, organic options you'll start noticing a change in your health, your focus will heighten and your energy will increase! We also make a MAJOR effort to reduce our carbon footprint by using recycled glass, natural sustainable material AND reusing packaging supplies! We do our best to source from local, small businesses!

Our candles are organic, vegan, cruelty-free, non-toxic and are free from plastics, parabens, phthalates and synthetic dyes! Made with an organic soy wax & organic cotton wicks or eco-friendly FSC certified wooden wicks!

Best Sellers


  • "This candle!!! I wish I could burn it 24/7 it smells SO GOOD! It’s such a relaxing scent and fills up my entire house!"


  • “As soon as I lit this candle, I was transported back. These candles spark magic. This is the perfect gift.”

    LOUIE D.

  • “It was such a familiar smell. It was my childhood all over again. The quality of the candle is perfect. Smells like HOME!”

    DANA T.